Golden Retriver, um mestre de amor.

Não é preciso conviver muito tempo com um Golden para se apaixonar por ele. Honey. Sim, ele é dourado e doce como mel e com seus olhos ternos faz seu coração transbordar de alegria e afeto.

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

Golden Retrievers

By: Seth Miller
Someone once said, He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. A dog is an embodiment of unconditional, unselfish love. When you own a dog, you dont own a pet, you own a friend. Your dog waits beside the door all day just to greet you when you come home. Your dog is happy just to be near you. Your dog makes you feel like a king.
Golden retrievers are one of the finest breeds of dog. A sturdy, well-proportioned dog, the golden retriever has a coat the color of gold. It is an intelligent, easy-to-train animal. It is a friendly, well-mannered dog, always gentle with children. It is friendly even with other dogs and seldom attacks. Alert and agile, golden retrievers make excellent watch-dogs. Hunting, tracking and retrieving are some of its unmistakable attributes. It proves to be an effective guide for the visually impaired. It is said that There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. Golden retriever is one breed that proves to be a wonderful therapy dog. It is also one of the best obedience competition dogs. But most of all, a golden retriever is an unmatched family companion.
The golden retriever requires average levels of maintenance. It is easy to groom and can be washed at home. It is an average shedder and can be kept indoors most of the time. But what it requires more than average is love and affection. Shower your love and affection on a golden retriever and watch it become a part of your family. Bring home a golden retriever and you will have a reliable companion for the next 10-14 years, and love that will last for a lifetime.

A turma já está com 30 dias.

 Pessoal, essa turminha é linda! Já estão invadindo os pratos de Hill's da mamãe, entrando pra dentro do pote de água como um verdadeiro Golden Retriever deve ser. Entre soninhos, latidinhos e lutinhas, estão todos crescendo com saúde e alegria.